Once a month, all the houses hold a joint event so that housemates can get to know each other and other housemates. Here’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to!
1月 シェアメイトとキャリアブレイク研究所と合同で書初め大会をしました🗻
このメンバーで笑って楽しめる 一年が楽しみになりました💡 私たちは、今年の”思い”を書初めの形で表現し、仲間とシェアしてみました。 中国のお正月の日ということもあり、美味しい中華お菓子に舌鼓を打ちながら👅

January A joint New Year's calligraphy competition was held with share-mates and the Career Break Institute 🗻.
We can laugh and have fun with these members. I look forward to the year ahead💡. We expressed our "thoughts" for the year in the form of a calligraphy and shared them with our colleagues. As it was Chinese New Year's Day, we were treated to delicious Chinese snacks 👅.
2月 シェアハウスMareでみんなで鍋をしました🍲
今日の国籍は6カ国🗺だんだん仲良くなり、10時過ぎまで続きました❢ 近くのロピアで仕入れて、お腹いっぱい食べても一人1000円以下のコスパにびっくり👛 やっぱり冬は鍋ですね🍲

February We had a hot pot together at the share house Mare 🍲.
Six nationalities today 🗺 and we got to know each other better and better and continued until after 10.00pm ❢. We stocked up at the nearby Lopia and were surprised to find that even with a full meal, the cost was under ¥1,000 per person👛. After all, in winter it's all about the nabe 🍲.
3月 登山活動中⛰️
神戸といえば六甲山🐯実は六甲山ってよく勘違いされるんです。 六甲山という山はありますが、六甲山と言った時は六甲山系という【山脈】のことを指していることが多いです🤔 六甲山、摩耶山、再度山、高取山、岩原山など沢山の山を総称して六甲山ということが多いんですね。 ややっこしいですね(笑) ということで、今回は布引の滝から貯水池、ハーブ園と六甲山を一かじり🍎 最高の天気に恵まれて楽しいひと時となりました💓

March Climbing activity in progress
Kobe is often misunderstood as Mount Rokko🐯 Actually, Mount Rokko is often misunderstood as Mount Rokko. Rokko, but when people say Rokko, they are often referring to the Rokko mountain range 🤔. Rokko, Maya, Mt. Rekishiyama, Mt. Takatori, Mt. Iwahara and many other mountains are often collectively called Mt Rokko. It's a bit of a tricky one, isn't it (laughs). So, this time, we went from Nunobiki Waterfall to the reservoir, to the herb garden, and took a bite of Mt Rokko. We were blessed with perfect weather and had a great time💓.
4月 フットサル大会をしました⚽
世界対日本ということでしたが、なんと4対2で日本の勝利🎌 運動が気持ちいい季節になりましたね💨 終わったらみんなでアイスを食べて疲れを癒やしました🍦 現在絶賛入居者募集中です。人気のDateに5月から空きが出ます🚪 詳しくはプロフィールからHPをご確認ください

April We had a futsal tournament ⚽
It was World vs Japan, and Japan won by a whopping 4-2🎌. It's a great time to exercise 💨. Afterwards, we all had ice cream to relieve the fatigue 🍦. We are currently looking for tenants. Vacancies in the popular Date will be available from May 🚪. Please check our website from our profile for more information!
5月 子ども食堂用に場所をお貸ししました🍛
古民家シェア処こみちの一階を子ども食堂としてお貸ししました。 高校生が集まった学生団体スピカさんが、長田神社周辺に子ども食堂がないことに気が付き、実施しました✨ 沢山の方に来ていただき、また長田区長にも視察いただき、大盛況でした🍛 シェアハウスとしての新たな地域貢献の形が提案でき、素晴らしい機会となりました☺ 参考:学生団体スピカ(クラウドファンディング実施中です) https://www.spica-studentsorganization.org/

May The place was rented for a children's canteen 🍛.
The ground floor of the old private house share house Komichi was rented out as a children's canteen. Spica, a student group of high school students, realised that there were no children's cafeterias in the area around Nagata Shrine, so they implemented this ✨. It was a great success, with many people coming and the mayor of Nagata Ward also inspecting the place 🍛. It was a great opportunity for us to propose a new form of contribution to the local community as a share house☺. Reference: Student organisation Spica (crowdfunding now underway) https://www.spica-studentsorganization.org/
6月 収穫の初夏
Sopraの茄子とこみちのニンジンが出来ました! なんとこみちではその収穫に合わせて、 子ども食堂が開催されました! にんじんの他にもゴボウも収穫しました。 子供たちが収穫したお野菜は両手いっぱいになるほど! 楽しい思い出になったみたいです😊 当社ハウスの中でも庭があるハウスでは、 積極的に家庭菜園をしています。 もちろん収穫できた野菜は、 ハウスメイトも収穫して食べることができますよ。
June Early Summer of Harvest
Aubergines at Sopra and carrots at Comichi are now ready! At Comichi, Kodomo Shokudo was held along with that harvest! Besides carrots, the children also harvested burdocks. The children harvested enough vegetables to fill their hands! It was a fun memory for them 😊. In our greenhouses with gardens, we actively have vegetable gardens. Of course, the harvested vegetables can be eaten by housemates too.
7月 シェアメイトとの就職祝いへ
コロナで一年待ちで入国し、一年間日本語を学んだ後、無事神戸のベンチャーにも採用👐 また一歩夢に近づきましたね。希望を胸に、大きく羽ばたいてください。今後の活躍を祈っています。 CMの音楽を手掛けた子もいたりと、なぜかみんなステップアップしていくシェアハウスSopraです。

July Visit a famous hideaway restaurant to celebrate a new job with a sharemate.
After waiting a year to enter the country in Corona and learning Japanese for a year, they were successfully employed in a venture in Kobe👐. You are one step closer to your dream. With hope in your heart, spread your wings wide open. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Some of the girls have even worked on music for commercials, and for some reason, everyone is stepping up at Share House Sopra.
8月 みんなでロシア料理を作りました。
日本、中国、ルワンダ、ロシアのメンバーで楽しく料理🍴 海外の方との共同生活はある意味海外旅行以上に深くその国の文化に触れるきっかけになります🗺 世界に深く触れたいならぜひシェアハウスへ🏘

August We cooked Russian food together.
Cooking with members from Japan, China, Rwanda and Russia 🍴. In a sense, living together with people from other countries gives you a chance to experience the culture of that country more deeply than you would on a trip abroad🗺. If you want to experience the world in depth, come to a share house 🏘.
9月 シェアハウスのみんなで花火を楽しみました
夏の夜に友達と一緒に花火を見るのは最高の瞬間ですね。 みんなで笑顔で過ごす時間は、思い出に残るひとときです。 ぜひあなたもシェアハウスで楽しい日常を過ごしてみませんか?

September Everyone in the share house enjoyed the fireworks!
Watching fireworks with friends on a summer evening is a great moment. Spending time together with a smile on your face is a memorable moment. Why don't you come and spend a fun everyday life in a share house too?
10月 にゃがた天神ついにオープンしました!🎉
「猫と一緒に暮らす」がコンセプトの新シェアハウス、にゃがた天神がついにオープンです! 実はこのにゃがた天神…オープン前から個室が満室になってしまうほど大人気なんです😳 シェアハウスのなかには保護猫カフェのような空間が広がっており、保護猫と一緒に暮らしながら、自然が溢れる穏やかな街で日常生活を送ることができます🐈 猫好きや猫と一緒に暮らしてみたい!という方必見のシェアハウスとなっていますので、ぜひ神戸市に移住の際は、ご検討いただけますと幸いです。

October Nyagata Tenjin finally opened! 🎉
Nyagata Tenjin, a new share house based on the concept of "living with cats", is finally open! In fact, this Nyagata Tenjin... is so popular that the private rooms are fully booked even before it opens 😳 Inside the share house you'll find a space that resembles a shelter cat café, where you can live with shelter cats and go about your daily life in a peaceful town filled with nature 🐈. This share house is a must-see for cat lovers and those who want to live with cats! We hope you'll consider this share house when you move to Kobe City.
11月 🍁下町芸術祭2023🍁
皆さん、こんにちは! 最近、だんだんと肌寒い日が多くなり、季節は秋に移り変わりつつありますね。 秋と言えば、「○○な秋」という表現をすることが多いですが、皆さんはどんな秋を思い浮かべるでしょうか? 神戸の下町エリアにて「芸術の秋」を楽しめるイベント、【下町芸術祭2023】 が開催されました🎉🎉 開催場所は、マチアケが運営するシェアハウスMarche(マルシェ)、Mare(マーレ)付近で、土日は体験型イベントも多くおススメです✨ 株式会社マチアケも共催という形で関わっているため、芸術家さんとコラボをし、シェアハウスMare(マーレ)のなかにも芸術品が展示されています🏠 実はこの地域、”全国一”お好み焼き屋が密集している地域でもあるので、芸術だけでなく、美味しいお好み焼きも楽しめちゃいます🍴

November 🍁Subtown Arts Festival 2023🍁.
Hello everyone! Recently, the weather has been gradually getting chillier and chillier, and the season is changing to autumn. Autumn is often described as a '____ autumn', but what kind of autumn do you think of? In fact, an event where you can enjoy the 'autumn of art', the "Downtown Art Festival 2023", is being held in the downtown area of Kobe🎉. The event will be held near the share houses Marche and Mare, which are run by Mathiake, and there will be many hands-on events on Saturday and Sunday ✨. As a co-sponsor of the event, Mathiake Inc. is also involved, collaborating with artists and displaying works of art in the Share House Mare 🏠. In fact, this area has the highest concentration of okonomiyaki restaurants in Japan, so you can enjoy not only art, but also delicious okonomiyaki🍴.
12月 クリスマスパーティー
様々な国・宗教・年代の人が集うシェアハウスですが、とりあえず年末はみんなでクリスマスパーティーをします🎅 みんなで料理を作り、プレゼントを持ち寄り、一人一人がサンタさんになります(笑) 今年もみんな仲良く! ありがとうございました🐰

December Christmas party
People from many different countries and religions and ages gather in our share house, but at the end of the year anyway, we all have a Christmas party 🎅. Everyone cooks together, brings presents, and each person becomes Santa (lol). Everyone gets along well this year too! Thank you very much 🐰